Prayer is no prayer at all unless it is rooted in the word of God. Prophecy is God’s mirror into your future. Your Prophetic Breakthrough Prayer Capsules For Dominion is a Spirit-inspired, power infused, burden-removing, yoke-shattering, kingdom-establishing prayer manual designed to help you visualize and access God’s glorious plans for your life and for others – using your faith, activated through your mouth.
In this book, Apostle Ifeoma Fiiriter shows you how to cooperate with God to effectively call those things which are not as though they were. Your Prophetic Breakthrough Prayer Capsules For Dominion is your God-ordained ‘Power Tool’ to help you conquer every mountain before you, and establish yourself on top, to reign in life. This book is a must read for anyone who wants a supernatural turn around in their life, studies, career, business, family, church, nation, etc.
Grace Edwards –
“Your Prophetic Breakthrough Prayer Capsules for Dominion! With this book at hand, I no longer need to say, ‘what do I pray?’ or ‘how do I pray?’ for this book with Spirit-filled word inspired prayers is right next to me. I am armed, loaded and ready to go, anytime, anywhere. Hurray! Praise the Lord for this mighty weapon of warfare” This prayer book is such a treasure! An awesome invaluable and timely asset!
To me, it is indeed a lifeline that continually stirs and encourages my faith every time I use it. Now, this very book is bringing hope, encouragement, healing and deliverance to my Mum and Dad. I am so thankful and grateful for the love of Christ that flows through you. Only the pure love of Christ can make you write such a powerful book! Yes, this book is straight from the Father’s heart of love. Thank you, Apostle Ifeoma, for making “Your Prophetic Breakthrough Prayer Capsules for Dominion” available. God bless you mightily in Jesus name!”
Gary Brown –
I bought the paper copy of this book quite a while ago after attending one of Rev Ifeoma’s meetings. I was going through the most horrendous ordeal with my marriage and job and a legal case against me. I ended up buying many copies and giving them to friends afterwards because after praying the scriptures from the book I was totally delivered from my ordeal, my marriage was restored and the legal case against me was completely dropped at the 11th hour. This took a while but I learned so much about declaration and praying in Faith rather than crying to the Lord about my situation.
I have used this book at our weekly prayer meetings for the businessmens fellowship and we have all corporately joined in declaring victory in our situations! The way the scriptures have been intertwined with declarations is inspired and makes this book truly anointed.
I cannot recommend it highly enough. It has specific prayer declarations for just about everything from healing, marriage, children and prosperity and protection. My copy is now battered and dog eared but I will carry it with me forever as it played a part in my deliverance and taught me HOW to pray. Job 22:28 says ‘ thou shalt decree a thing and it shall be established unto thee, and the light shall shine upon thy ways’
Speak the outcome, decree it! This book will help you take charge of whatever situation you or your family is facing and as your Faith grows through speaking the WORD from these prayers you will see the Holy Spirit move. Are you up against it?
Speak the WORD. God will SURELY deliver you as He did me. Praise His Name.
Miles C –
This book ‘Your Prophetic Breakthrough Prayer Capsules for Dominion’ by Apostle Ifeoma Fiiriter is the perfect book for anyone wondering how to pray, as it has an abundance of Spirit inspiring prayers for nearly any topic. The book acts as manual designed to enhance your life by giving you easy to read prayers that help you access God’s wisdom and supernatural power.
Each prayer is woven with a connected scripture so that you only have to read and speak the words aloud, helping your faith arise within you. This book is a must read for anyone looking for a turn around in their life in any of the specific areas the author focuses on such as family, business, and salvation. These prayers can become a part of your daily devotion, I strongly recommend it. – Miles C
Daniela Morales –
Your Prophetic Breakthrough Prayer Capsules for Dominion is a wonderful book written by Apostle Ifeoma R. Fiiriter that includes Spirit-inspired prayers that can be adapted to any situation you are going through. This book is a powerful tool for people to reign in life, conquer mountains and establish themselves on top.
I was touched by the testimonies shared towards the end of the book where different people describe how this book has changed their lives as it is amazing to read the miracles that God performs in people’s lives. These testimonies can inspire and help people who are going through similar situations and also give them the strength they need to turn their lives around.
I am pleased that this book has been translated into Spanish because now many Spanish speaking people will be able to benefit from this wonderful book. Apostle Ifeoma is a person who knows the Bible, and thanks to that she will be able to transmit her message conveniently so that also Hispanic people can understand and put them into practice.
If you want to change your life, use the prayers in this book as they will open the door to a new direction.
Cápsulas de oración de avance profético para el dominio es un maravilloso libro escrito por la reverenda Ifeoma R. Fiiriter que incluye oraciones inspiradas en el Espíritu que pueden adaptarse a cualquier situación que este pasando. El libro contiene muchas oraciones para que las personas puedan reinar en la vida, escalar montañas y superar la cima.
Los testimonios que comparte hacia el final del libro donde distintas personas describen como este libro les ha cambiado la vida, me emocionaron mucho ya que es increíble leer los milagros que Dios realiza en la vida de las personas. Estos testimonios pueden inspirar y ayudar a personas que estén pasando por situaciones similares y puede darles la fortaleza que necesitan para darle un giro a su vida.
Estoy muy contenta de que este libro se haya traducido al Español porque ahora muchas personas de habla Hispana podrán beneficiarse de este maravilloso libro. La reverenda Ifeoma es una persona que conoce la Biblia, y gracias a eso podrá transmitir el mensaje de este libro de forma sencilla para que también las personas hispanas puedan entenderlas y ponerlas en práctica.
Si quiere cambiar su vida, use las oraciones de este libro ya que le abrirá la puerta a una nueva dirección.